Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Caterpillar

"The mind is an odd thing," said the Caterpillar, blowing smoke rings up toward the domed ceiling.

Edric said nothing. The Caterpillar was known throughout the Imperium ghostlands as a philosopher and many of his enemies had been found with obscure, pedantic references shoved down their throats. They usually ended up that way when their own opinions differed from the Caterpillar's and Edric had learned the wisdom of silence.

"Don't you think so, Ricky?" A cybernetic stalk swiveled in his direction.

Edric suppressed a grimace at the nickname. Early in his business relationship with the Caterpillar, the cyborg criminal had continually forgotten his rather old-fashioned name and dubbed him with a name nearly as ancient from one of the many 20th century television shows that played constantly on the holoscreens.

For once, the 'Pillar seemed to expect an answer from his associate. Edric shrugged, watching the robotically-elongated body for a reaction. The metallic segments writhed and spun around some arbitrary central axis until the full length of the Caterpillar was facing Edric. Four of the 'Pillar's eyestalks reached out toward him, the quicksilver irises eerily still, while his remaining three continued their wandering sentry duty. An eighth stalk also writhed, but it lacked its mercury orb, a constant reminder of the one man who had nearly toppled the Caterpillar from his underworld throne.

"Come now, my good fellow, surely you must have some thought on the matter. After all, the mind is the one thing we all share, human and cyborg alike."

Edric hesitated, thoughts of his predecessor preoccupying his immediate thoughts. Those four stalks maintained their vigil and he felt very uncomfortable under the close scrutiny.

"I think," he began, "that every man's opinion is his own, sir."

The Caterpillar stared at Edric a moment longer before the mercury irises began their slow spin again. It was a tell-tale sign that the Caterpillar was pleased, and one Edric had seen him use on several occasions to confuse his opponents.

"Every man is entitled to his own opinion, of course," said the Caterpillar, his eyestalks losing interest in their target for the time-being, absorbed by deeper thoughts and shifting shadows.

Edric followed the eyeless stalk for a moment, entertaining thoughts of criminal domination before the rippling sectors of the 'Pillar's segmented body and the real world shifted once more into view.

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